

BP neural network prediction of rape maturity based on pod hue H value
摘要 针对油菜联合收获适收期难以确定的现实问题,开展了油菜果荚RGB(红绿蓝)色彩处理和成熟度预测研究。通过对采集的图像中果荚有效像素点RGB值进行处理,得到油菜播种204d后第1~14d油菜果荚色调H值,以播种204d后第1~12d果荚色调H值为训练组,第13、14d果荚色调H值为验证组.运用matlab软件建立油菜果荚色调H值与油菜播种204d后生长天数之间的数学模型,采用果荚色调H值大小实现对油菜成熟度判断,基于BP神经网络建立了油菜成熟度模型,并进行油菜成熟度预测。结果表明:油菜果荚表皮色调H值随天数的增加呈递增趋势,第13d与第14d的油菜果荚表皮预测H值分别为64.4640、64.4723,实际测量值分别为64.4296、64.4307,相差分别为0.053%、0.065%,其试验预测值与实际测量结果基本一致。并根据果荚色调H值划定油菜成熟度,青熟油菜果荚色调H值为64.00~64.19;黄熟油菜果荚色调H值为64.20~64.39;完熟油菜果荚色调H值为64.40~64.49,以其作为油菜成熟度分级参考标准。 In order to solve the problem that the proper time of harvesting is difficult to determine in the current process of rape combine harvester, this paper carried out prediction studies of digital coloring in rape pod RGB ( red, green and blue ) and the grade of maturity. Through manipulation RGB value in effective pixel points that were collected from picture, thus the hue H value of rape pod after 1-14 days of rape emergence was obtained. Taking the pod hue H value of 1-12 days after rape emergence as training data set, taking the pod hue H value of 13, 14 days after rape emergence as validation data set, using MATLAB software, the mathematical model between the rape pod hue H value and the number of growth days after 204 days of rape emergence was established, taking use of the pod hue H value, the judgment of rape pod maturity was achieved. The rape maturity model was established based on BP neural network and the equation result was verified through the later test. Results showed that rape pod hue H value increased with the day increasing. The predictive rape pod epidermal H value in the 13th, 14th day were 64.4640, 64.4723, while 64.4296, 64.4307 respectively as the actual value, with the difference of 0.053% and 0.065%. The test predictive value was consistent with the actual value of measurement result. Rape maturity was delineated according to the rape pod hue H value. Green mature rape pod hue H value was 64.00-64.19, yellow rape pod hue H value was 64.20-64.39, ripe rape pod hue H value was 64.40-64.49, as the classification criterion of rape maturity.
出处 《广东农业科学》 CAS 2015年第22期144-149,F0002,共7页 Guangdong Agricultural Sciences
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2011PY085)
关键词 油菜 成熟度 颜色模型 神经网络 rape maturity color model neural network
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