
银川住宅建筑夏季室内热环境与热舒适调查研究 被引量:9

Indoor Environment and Thermal Comfort of Residential Buildings in Yinchuan in Summer
摘要 为了研究寒冷地区居民夏季的热舒适状况,对银川市72户住宅进行了现场调查,在进行现场测试的同时对167位居民的热感觉以ASHRAE的7级标尺进行问卷调查。实测结果表明,当地居民夏季的热中性温度为25.9℃,比期望温度(21.7℃)高出4.2℃,采用直接法和间接法得到的80%可接受温度上限分别为28.5℃和28.1℃。处于寒冷地区的银川居民对高温的适应能力较弱,中性温度及可接受温度上限低于我国现行非人工冷热源室内热舒适标准。 To analyze the human thermal comfort of residential buildings in cold areas in summer, a thermal comfort field study of 72 residential buildings was conducted in Yinchuan. The environment parameters were tested and, at the same time, the questionnaires of thermal sensation of ASHRAE on a seven scale were obtained from 167 subjects. The results show that the neutral temperature is 25.9 ℃, 4.2 ℃ higher than the preferred temperature (21.7 ℃ ). The upper limits of 80% acceptable temperature by a method, direct and indirect, are 28.5 ℃ and 28.1 ℃ respectively. The subjects in the cold area are poorly adaptive to higher temperature. The neutral temperature and the upper limit of acceptable temperature are lower than the indoor thermal comfort standards in free-running buildings in China.
出处 《建筑科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期20-27,40,共9页 Building Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目"干热和湿热气候特征对人体热适应的作用机理研究"(51408198) 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目"人体热舒适气候适应机理研究"(14A560013) 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目"基于气候适应的中原农村住宅建筑节能设计方法研究"(2015M570818) 河南理工大学博士基金"基于气候适应的室内动态热环境参数研究"(B2014-058)
关键词 寒冷气候 住宅 热环境 热适应 现场调查 cold climate, residential buildings, thermal environment, thermal adaptation, field study
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