
海上油田油井酸化处理工艺优化研究及应用 被引量:19

The offshore oilfield oil well acidizing process optimization research and application
摘要 酸化是渤海油田重要的增产措施之一,为渤海油田产量的完成作出了重要贡献,经济效益和社会效益明显,今后仍将主导采油工艺技术。尽管酸化应用已相对成熟,但油井酸化后残酸的处理问题一直未得到彻底解决。与陆上油田相比,海上油田由于其施工作业的特殊性,主要采用不动管柱酸化工艺。尽管采用该项技术后可简化施工工艺、降低作业费用、缩短施工周期等,但是酸化施工后,返排酸液直接进入生产流程,产出液破乳、脱水难度较大,会对流程产生一定程度的影响,甚至会导致生产流程无法正常工作。对酸化返排液进行有效的处理,对于保证油田正常生产,提高外输油品质量,降低生产成本和促进经济效益具有重大意义。本文旨在研究通过酸化工艺流程的改善有效解决了海上酸化作业对船舶资源的占用、提高了工作效率、保证了返排的及时性进而保证了酸化的增产效果。该技术成果对生产节支和提高生产时效具有重要的现实意义,对于油田非正常产液处理也具有很好的借鉴意义和参考价值。 Acidizing is one of important stimulation bohai offshore oilfield,made great contribution to the completion of the Bohai sea oil field production,obvious economic benefits and social benefits,will remain a leading production technology in the future.Despite the acidification application has been relatively mature,but the residual acid after oil well acidizing treatment problem has not been solved thoroughly.Compared with onshore oil fields,due to the particularity of the construction work in offshore oil field, mainly uses the fixed string acidizing process.Although after using this technology can simplify the construction process,to reduce the operation cost,shorten the construction period,etc.,but after acidification construction,acid flowback directly into the production process,the produced fluid demulsification and dehydration is difficult,will be a certain degree of influence on the process,even lead to the production process can't work normally.Handling of acidizing fluid flowback effectively,to guarantee the normal production of oil field,improve the quality of transmission oil, reduce the production cost and promote the economic benefit is of great significance.The purpose of this paper is to study by acidification process effective solution to improve the acidizing operation of the ship at sea resources utilization,improve work efficiency,guarantee the timeliness of flowback ensures the acidizing stimulation effect.The technical achievements to production cost and improve production limitation has important practical significance,abnormal for oilfield production processing is also a very good reference significance and reference value.
出处 《石油化工应用》 CAS 2016年第1期5-10,20,共7页 Petrochemical Industry Application
基金 国家科技重大专项"大型油气田及煤气层开发"部分成果 项目编号:2011ZX05023-002
关键词 酸化 返排液 原油破乳 原油乳化 中和过滤 注水井 acidification flowback fluid crude oil demulsification crude oil emulsion neutralization filtering injection wells
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