
益生菌对婴幼儿健康的作用及其在婴幼儿食品中的应用现状 被引量:13

Effects of Probiotic on the Health of Infants and Its Application in Infant Food
摘要 介绍了益生菌的概念及婴幼儿的肠道微生态环境特征,阐述了益生菌对调整婴幼儿肠道菌群组成、预防和治疗腹泻、缓解过敏症状、改善喂养不耐受等方面的健康作用,综述了益生菌在婴幼儿食品,特别是婴幼儿配方奶粉中的应用现状。 The concept of probiotics and the characteristics of infant's micro-ecological environment were introduced. The health effects of probiotics on infant, such as adjusting the intestinal microflora of infants, preventing and treating diarrhea, relieving aller- gy symptoms, and improving feeding intolerance were described. The applications of probiotics on infant food, especially on infant formula milk powder were summarized.
出处 《中国乳业》 2016年第1期69-72,共4页 China Dairy
关键词 益生菌 婴幼儿食品 婴幼儿配方奶粉 probiotics., infant food infant formula
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