目的采用超高效液相色谱法(UPLC)分析人参新炮制品—黑参制作过程中人参皂苷的含量变化。方法色谱柱:Waters BEH C18色谱柱(2.10mm×50mm×1.7μm);流动相:以乙腈-水梯度洗脱;检测波长:203nm;柱温:35℃;流速:1.0m L/min;进样体积:10μL。结果在选定的色谱条件下,从黑参不同蒸制温度、不同蒸制次数的制作过程中化学成分发生了变化。结论实验中所建立的方法稳定、可靠,为黑参的标准制作工艺、质量评价控制提供了依据。
Objectives: To analyze the content changes of ginsenosides in the process of makingBlack Ginseng by UPLC. Methods: Chromatographic column was Waters BEH C18 (2. l Omm × 50mm × 1.7μm) and mobile phase was acetonitrile - water gradient elution, with 203nm of detection wavelength, at 35℃ of column temperature, in 1.0mL/min of flow rate and 10μL of sample injection volume. Re- suits: Under the selected chromatographic conditions, the chemical compositions ofBlack Ginseng changed when processed by different steamed temperatures and times. Conclusion: The method established in the experiments is stable and reliable, providing a basis for stand- ard nroduction orocess and aualitv control to makingBlack Ginseng.
Yunnan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica