泡沫地质聚合物是一种新型无机多孔材料,定量表征泡沫地质聚合物孔结构是优化其制备参数并进一步改善性能的基础。为建立泡沫地质聚合物宏观气孔结构定量表征方法,根据体视学原理,采用光学数码显微镜和Image-Pro plus图像分析软件获取了孔隙率、孔径及其分布以及孔形状因子等孔结构参数,并研究了测定步骤对孔结构测定结果的影响。结果表明,建立的光学显微图像分析法可以准确量化表征泡沫地质聚合物宏观孔隙率、孔径及其分布以及孔形状因子等孔结构参数;该方法对不同容重样品和相似容重不同孔结构样品均有良好适应性;该方法可望为泡沫地质聚合物或其他多孔材料孔结构调控以及建立孔结构与性能关系奠定基础。
Foam geopolymers is a new type of inorganic porous materials. Quantitative characterization of the pore structure is the fundamental for the optimization of its preparation and performance. In order to establish a method for characterizing its pore structure quantitatively, based on stereology, optical digital microscope and ImagePro plus analysis software were used to get the pore structure information, including porosity, pore size, pore size distribution and pore shape factor, etc. The effect of the test procedures on the final results was examined. Results show that, the pore structure parameters, including porosity, pore size, pore size distribution and pore shape factor, could be obtained accurately by the established image analysis method. The pore structure information of samples with va- rious densities and samples with various pore structure at similar density could be easily identified with the method. The method will provide a base for the further study on the pore structure modulation and establishing the relation between pore structure and its performance.