
鹿茸多肽对东莨菪碱所致大鼠学习记忆障碍作用及脑内ACh和AChE影响 被引量:5

Effects of Pilose Antler Peptids on Learning and Memory Impairment Andbrain ACh and ACh Einduced by Scopolamine in Rats
摘要 目的:观察鹿茸多肽对东莨菪碱所致大鼠学习记忆障碍的作用及脑内ACh和AChE的影响。方法:60只经过跳台实验筛选过的200~220gWistar大鼠(雌雄各半)随机分为六组:空白组、模型组、吡拉西坦阳性组(300mg/kg)、鹿茸多肽高剂量组(40mg/kg)、鹿茸多肽中剂量组(20mg/kg)、鹿茸多肽低剂量组(10mg/kg),空白组与模型组给予同体积纯净水17天,鹿茸多肽给药第8天,除空白组外,其他组按0.3mg/kg给予醋酸地塞米松造阳虚模型。第18天进行跳台训练,第19天,给药1h后,按2mg/kg腹腔注射东莨菪碱造模,15min后进行跳台实验,测试结束后,断头取脑组织测试ACh和AChE。结果:鹿茸多肽各剂量组可以明显改善东莨菪碱所致大鼠学习记忆障碍,且可以提高ACh含量,降低AChE活性。结论:鹿茸多肽对东莨菪碱所致记忆障碍模型小鼠学习记忆障碍有一定的改善作用。 Objective: To observe the Effects of Pilose Antler Peptids on learning and memory impairment andbrain ACh and AChEinduced by scopolamine in rats. Methods:60 weight 200-220g Wistar rats, after jumping experiment screened (male and female in half) , were randomly divided into six groups:Blank group, model group, Laci Staw positive group (300mg/kg), Gao Jiliang (40mg/kg), middle dose (20mg/kg) and low dose group (10mg/kg), The blank group and the control group were given the same volume of pure water for 17 days. For eighth days, in addition to the blank group, the other groups were treated with 0.3mg/kg to make a model of Yang deficiency. Eighteenth days, through training. The nineteenth day, after administration of 1H, according to 2mg/kg intraperitoneal injection of scopolamine rats, 1Stain after experimental platform, after the test, the brain tissue was tested for ACh and ACHE. Results: Pilose Antler Peptids in each dose group can significantly improve the impairment of learning and memory of rats induced by scopolamine, and can improve the ACh content, and reduce AChE activity. Conclusion: Pilose Antler Peptidshas certain improving effects on memory impairment induced by scopolamine in mice model of learning and memory disorder.
机构地区 长春中医药大学
出处 《亚太传统医药》 2016年第3期9-11,共3页 Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine
基金 吉林省科学技术厅自然科学基金项目(20130101128JC)
关键词 鹿茸多肽 东莨菪碱 记忆障碍 乙酰胆碱 乙酰胆碱酯酶 Pilose Antler Peptid Scopolamine Memory Disorder ACh AChE
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