

System Analysis and Design for the Risk Database and Assessment and Management System of the International General Contracting Project
摘要 将前期理论研究形成的风险分类清单、风险量化评估的模型、风险动态跟踪管理的方法和流程开发形成了一套适用于国际工程承包企业的风险数据库和评估管理系统。本文对此系统的的设计和分析工作及主要功能模块进行了详细介绍。利用此系统,企业可以积累风险数据,作为后续投标或拟建工程风险识别时的核查清单;可以完成对拟建工程进行风险定性和定量评估的一整套程序,输出风险分析报告以辅助领导进行投标决策;可以对在建工程进行风险监控,根据监控周期输出相应的风险监控报告以辅助项目管理者进行风险管理和监控。 In the previous study, we established a risk classification list, the model for quantitative assessment risk, and the methods and processes for dynamic tracking and management risk. Based on these theoretical studies, we develop a risk database and a system suitable for the international engineering contracting company used for assessment and management of the project risk. In this paper, we describe the analysis and design, and the main function modules of the system in details. With this system, companies can accumulate risk data, which can be used as a checklist in the follow-up bid or in the proposed project for risk identification; can complete a set of procedures in the qualitative and quantitative risk assessment on the proposed project, and output risk analysis reports to assist the leader for the bid decision; can carry out risk monitoring in the construction project, and output corresponding risk monitoring reports based on monitoring period to assist the project manager for risk management and monitoring.
出处 《南方能源建设》 2015年第4期163-169,101,共8页 Southern Energy Construction
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2015VI012) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71501149)
关键词 风险管理 风险数据库 风险评估管理系统 国际工程 risk management risk database risk assessment and management system international project
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