

Recent Advances in Conducting Polyselenophenes
摘要 作为聚噻吩类似物,聚硒吩类材料具有带宽低、迁移率高、氧化还原电位低等优于聚噻吩类材料的特性,在电致变色、场效应晶体管、光伏电池等多个应用领域展现出良好的应用前景,近年来又重新引起了科学家们的关注,并在部分领域实现了性能上的重大突破。本文围绕硒吩类化合物的合成、聚硒吩类材料的制备、性能及其应用等方面系统总结了聚硒吩类导电高分子近十年来的研究进展,并简要探讨了当前的研究困难及下一步的发展方向。 Polyselenophene and its derivatives have numerous advantages compared with other conducting polymers,such as lower band gap, higher carrier mobility, lower oxidation potentials, etc., and hold promise for applications in several fields such as electrochromism, thermoelectrics, field effect transistors, and solar cells, etc. Significant progress in polyselenophenes has been achieved over the last ten years, leading to the availability of promising polyselenophenes materials. This review gives a general overview of polyselenophenes/selenophene-based copolymer materials and highlights recent progress in this field.
出处 《江西科技师范大学学报》 2015年第6期1-13,22,共14页 Journal of Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University
基金 国家自然科学基金(51303073 51463008 51572117) 赣鄱英才555工程 江西省教育厅重点项目 江西科技师范大学青年拔尖人才计划(2014QNBJRC003) 江西科技师范大学博士科研启动项目
关键词 导电高分子 聚硒吩 聚合 电致变色 太阳能电池 晶体管 conducting polymers polyselenophenes polymerization electrochromics solar cells transistors
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