
基于生境等价分析法的罗源湾填海生态损害评估 被引量:9

Ecological damage assessment of Luoyuan bay reclamation based on habitat equivalency analysis
摘要 改进生境等价分析法(habitat equivalency analysis,HEA),推导HEA在填海应用中生态服务受损量与补偿量评估公式。以1990年与2004年罗源湾生态服务水平为基础,假定受损生境自然恢复所需时间为10 a,于2013年采取种植海草床方式进行修复,修复生境达到最大服务所需时间为3 a,计算罗源湾填海生态服务总受损量、修复生境单位面积补偿量及修复规模。结果表明:初级生产力、生物资源和环境容量的受损程度分别为30.73%、61.94%和54.36%,在3%的贴现率水平下,所需海草床面积为109.79km^2,且指标受损程度与修复规模呈正相关关系。参数灵敏度分析表明,补偿起始点越早,修复生境达到最大服务水平所需时间越短,所需修复规模越小;贴现率的选择对修复规模影响显著。这一结论可作为地方政府对罗源湾填海实施生态修复建设和生态补偿管理的技术依据,亦可为其他海洋生态损害评估提供参考。 Habitat equivalency analysis(HEA) is a tool for assessing natural resource damage,and has been used in the United States and Europe to identify replacement habitats for a number of coastal habitats injured through oil spills ,hazardous substance release, vessel groundings and other anthropogenic actions. Termed "service-to-service", this habitat-based approach seeks to determine the amount of restoration needed to compensate for natural resource losses. This paper deduces the formula of the ecological damage and compensation in the field of reclamation based on the improved HEA model. Based on the ecological services of Luoyuan Bay in 1990 and 2004, assuming that the time of natural recovery of the damaged habitat is 10 years, and taking the seagrass beds as restored habitat with 3 years' time to reach the maximum level of ecological service, this article calculates the total damage of the main ecological indicators, the unit compensation of the habitat restoration project, and the total scale of restoration. The result shows that the damage to primary productivity, biological resources and environmental capacity is 30.73% ,61.94% and 54.36% respectively. To achieve the reclaimed seab initial ecological service level ,the scale of restoration should be 109.79 km2 at the discount rate level of 3%. There is also a positive correlation between the extent of ecological damage and the scale of restoration. Sensitivity analysis shows that the sooner the compensation starts, the shorter the time that restored habitat reaches the maximum level of service is, the smaller the scale of restoration is. The discount rate also has a significant impact on the scale of restoration. The research results could help policy makers meet the necessary requirements for developing policies on marine ecological damage compensation and ecological restoration and also provide reference for other marine ecological damage assessments.
出处 《海洋环境科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期13-19,共7页 Marine Environmental Science
基金 国家社科基金项目(12BJY064) 教育部人文社科重点研究基地中国海洋大学海洋发展研究院资助项目(13JJD790032)
关键词 生境等价分析法 填海 生态损害评估 生态修复 habitat equivalency analysis reclamation ecological damage assessment ecological restoration
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