
低温送风室内气流组织的实验研究 被引量:10

Experimental Investigation on Indoor Air Distribution in Low Temperature Air Supply Room
摘要 低温送风在空气调节系统的节能和提高体感舒适度上有着独特的优势。但同时,送风温度偏低也带来了冷风下坠、温度场不均匀、热舒适性下降的隐患。本文针对低温送风中存在的这些问题,首先确立了低温送风的气流组织评价标准,并设计了包含制冷系统、冰蓄冷系统和测量系统在内的一整套低温送风实验系统,最后对不同的送风温度下实验结果进行定性和定量的分析,从而得到了相应的解决方法和结论。 Low temperature air supply possesses unique advantages on energy conservation and thermal comfort improvement for the air conditioning system. However, the supply air with low temperature also brings possible defects of cold air draught, asymmetrical temperature field or thermal comfort reduction. Thus, in order to explore and solve the above problems, the evaluation standards on airflow distribution of the low temperature air are first defined, then the corresponding experimental system is designed and introduced, including its refi'igeration system, ice storage system and measurement system. Finally, the qualitative and quantitative analysis on experiment results is carried out for different air supply temperatures, and the targeted solving methods and conclusions are acquired and presented.
出处 《制冷技术》 2015年第5期25-30,35,共7页 Chinese Journal of Refrigeration Technology
关键词 低温送风 气流组织 热舒适性 射流 阿基米德数 Low temperature air supply Airflow organization Thermal comfort Jet flow Archimedes number
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