

Diplomacy and “Diplomatic Atmosphere”: Some Issues between China and Japan
摘要 "外交氛围"虽然是各国外交实践常见的概念,但不论在外交学领域还是在国际政治理论,对此概念都缺乏应有的研究。一、本文回顾了国际关系学若干经典著作,尝试厘清"外交氛围"概念的历史脉络并确定其理论空间。认为"外交氛围"属于国际关系理论中"国家对外行为"范畴;二、探讨了"外交氛围"的功能,指出"外交氛围"的供给有助于促进主权国家对外行为;三、分析了主权国家供给"外交氛围"的模式;在结论部分,提出现代国家外交行为经常遭受非国家主体的干扰,主权国家为了实现其外交政策,必须采取减少负向"外交氛围"供给、增加正向"外交氛围"供给。 Thus in part one, many classics in international relations were reviewed, clarifying the historical context of diplomatic atmosphere and making sure its theoretical space; In part two, the author discussed the functions of diplomatic atmosphere and pointed out that the supply of diplomatic atmosphere contributes to the external behavior of a sovereign; In part three, the pattern that sovereign supplies diplomatic atmosphere was analyzed; And in the conclusion, the fact that diplomatic behaviors of modern nations are obstructed by non-state actors is pointed out. For achieving its foreign policy, sovereign states must take actions to reduce negative supply whereas increase the positive one of diplomatic atmosphere.
作者 刘迪
出处 《日本研究》 2015年第4期42-49,共8页 Japan Studies
关键词 外交氛围 中日关系 国际关系 外交关系 外交行为 Diplomatic Atmosphere Sino-Japanese Relations International Relations Diplomatic Actors Diplomatic Behaviors
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