

Research on acid volatile sulfide(AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals(SEM) in sediments of polluted urban river
摘要 对榄核河沉积物中AVS与SEM的污染特征进行了研究。结果表明:榄核河沉积物还原特征强烈,AVS与SEM含量分别达到14.3和33.23μmol·g-1,Eh值是AVS生成过程中重要的影响因子。归一化研究显示,10个取样断面中沉积物中SEM与AVS的浓度差值大部分大于5μmol·g-1,且均值为18.93μmol·g-1,超标严重,说明沉积物中的重金属没有足够的硫化物固定,可能会对水生生态系统产生毒害作用。 Pollution characteristics of AVS and SEM in sediments of Lan He River were researched. The results indicated that reductive characteristic of Lan He River sediments was obvious. AVS and SEM contents in investigation region reached 14.3 μmol·g^(-1) and 33.23 μmol·g^(-1), respectively, and Eh value contributed great to the formation process of AVS. The results of consistency showed that a majority of difference values of SEM and AVS were more than 5 μmol·g^(-1), and the average value was 18.93 μmol·g^(-1). So it exceeded, to a great extent, the correlative standard of USEPA. It indicated that not all of the heavy metals were immobilized by sulfides in sediment of Lanhe River. So it may result in toxic effect on aquatic ecosystem.
出处 《佛山科学技术学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第1期45-49,共5页 Journal of Foshan University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(S2013010012256) 番禺区科技计划资助项目(2010-专-14-40) 佛山科学技术学院博士科研启动项目
关键词 AVS 重金属 氧化还原电位 沉积物 榄核河 AVS heavy metals oxidation-reduction potential sediment Lanhe River
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