
替代与悖逆——《养子》中的邪恶美学 被引量:3

Aesthetics of Evil in Heinrich von Kleist's “Der Findling”
摘要 论文以德国作家克莱斯特的短篇小说《养子》为研究文本,探讨了小说对启蒙文化教育理念提出的质疑。《养子》以一个市民家庭的俄狄浦斯式悲剧隐喻了文化对自然本性的驯化过程。从被驱逐的儿子到自戕的父亲,小说呈现了身处理性文化中的人的异化倾向。"养子"可以被理解为一种被扭曲的第一本性,健康善良的"父亲"(理想的人)试图将养子教化成一个有修养的文化人,然而这种教化却缺乏真正的说服力,在杀子的过程中,父亲也抹杀了自己代表的文化理想。 This paper studies Heinrich von Kleist's short story "Der Findling" and explores the questions which the short story raises on the concept of cultural education in the tradition of the Enlightenment. "Der Findling" uses an Oedipal tragedy in a commoner's family as a metaphor of the process of domestication from nature to culture. Through the story of the expelled son and the self-destructive father, Heinrich von Kleist reveals the alienation of humans in the culture of rationalism. The adopted son can be interpreted as the distorted primary nature of human beings. The healthy and kind father tries to educate the evil son and turn him into a person of integrity, but this education fails because of its lack of efficacy. By killing the adopted son, the father has also written off his own cultural ideals.
作者 丁君君
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期115-122,共8页 Foreign Literature
基金 国家社科基金项目"1800年前后德语文学的美学转向研究"(14BWW063)
关键词 海因里希·冯·克莱斯特 《养子》 家庭 俄狄浦斯情结 道德 Heinrich von Kleist, "Der Findling", family, Oedipal complex, the evil, moral
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