
美国、欧盟对拉美整体合作的差异性比较 被引量:3

A Comparative Study of the Comprehensive Cooperation between the US-Latin America and EU-Latin America
摘要 美国、欧盟对拉美整体合作虽然都是典型的不对称南北合作关系,但由于国家利益和对外合作理念不同,前两者与后者的整体合作存在以下一些区别:第一,合作基础和方式不同。美拉整体合作建立在泛美主义基础之上,是美国控制下的以一对多的合作方式;欧盟与拉美整体合作以原有的历史联系为基础,是欧盟主导下的以多对多的合作方式。第二,对拉美地区一体化的态度不同。美国对把其排除在外的拉美一体化持抵制态度,而奉行多边主义的欧盟则持支持态度。第三,对自由贸易区谈判的策略不同。美国采取的是由北向南整体推进和各个击破的策略,而欧盟主要奉行与拉美各次区域组织进行集体谈判来推进自贸谈判的政策。 The US-Latin America and EU-Latin America partnerships are typically asymmetrical north-south relations. Due to respective national interests and international cooperation ideas of the US and EU, there are three major differences between the two models. Firstly, they vary in basis and approach. The US-Latin America partnership is based on Pan-Americanism with a US-centered approach. The EU-Latin America partnership is based on historical ties with a collective approach. Secondly, the US and EU have different attitudes toward regional integration in Latin America. The US opposes this regional integration as it is ex- cluded while the EU stands positively as it pursues muhilateralism. Thirdly, the US and EU take different FTA negotiation strategies. The US engaged with Latin American countries separately from north to south. The EU initiated dialogues with Latin American sub-regional organizations to facilitate FTA negotiation.
作者 楼项飞
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期85-92,共8页 Pacific Journal
关键词 美国 欧盟 拉美 整体合作 比较 US EU Latin America comprehensive cooperation comparative study
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