
桥脑梗死的磁共振静息态功能连接多模态应用研究 被引量:9

Multimodal f MRI resting-state functional connectivity in pontine infarction
摘要 目的综合应用三种静息态f MRI功能连接类数据处理方法,探讨桥脑梗死患者脑功能的变化。方法应用静息态f MRI对10例亚急性期桥脑梗死患者及10例年龄、性别与患者匹配的健康正常志愿者进行扫描。首先采用度中心度(DC)和镜像组织功能连接(VMHC)对数据进行预分析,得到梗死患者脑功能的主要改变,然后利用预分析得到的结果作为感兴趣区(ROI),使用基于感兴趣区的功能连接(ROI-FC)分析梗死患者脑功能网络的改变。结果 DC未发现梗死患者脑功能的改变;VMHC发现梗死患者左右顶下小叶和角回交界部位之间的功能连接显著降低;以此为感兴趣区ROI-FC发现患者脑默认网络(DMN)和左额顶网络(FPN)功能紊乱。结论综合应用这三种静息态f MRI功能连接类数据处理方法,从不同角度分析桥脑梗死患者的脑功能改变,可以得到可靠且有临床针对性的信息。 Objective To investigate the brain function change of patients with pontine infarction with 3 fMRI resting-state functional connectivity measures, nethds The resting-state fMRI was acquired in 10 subacute pontine infarction patients and 10 normal controls. We firstly used degree centrality(DC) and voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity (VMHC) to analyze the data, got the main brain function change of patients that was used as the region of interest (ROI), then, we used ROI-based functional connectivity (ROI-FC) to analyze the brain network change of patients. Results In DC, there is no effect, in VMHC, the patients have significant decrease in connectivity between bilateral border region of inferior parital lobule and angular gyrus. Taking it as the ROI, in ROI-FC, the patients have brain function disorder mainly in default mode network(DMN) and left frontoparietal network (FPN). Conclusion Combined with the application of different functional connectivity measures, the brain function of pontine infarction patients can be investigated at different levels, which can get reliable and clinically relevant information.
出处 《医学影像学杂志》 2016年第1期1-5,共5页 Journal of Medical Imaging
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑计划(2012BAI10B04) 国家自然科学基金(81271556) 北京市自然科学基金(7113155) 北京市教委科研计划(KM201210025013)资助
关键词 桥脑 脑梗死 静息态功能磁共振成像 Pontine Infarction Resting-state functional MRI
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