

Study on the Regulation of Erosion Failure to Natural Gas Manifold Pipe
摘要 为了减少天然气中固相颗粒对汇管产生的冲蚀磨损,进行了天然气集气汇管冲蚀规律研究。根据质量守恒、动量守恒及湍流的k-ε模型建立了天然气流经汇管时的不可压缩流动模型,采用CFD技术对汇管内流体流动方程进行求解,并耦合Tulsa大学所建立的材料冲蚀磨损预测模型评价汇管壁面的冲蚀规律。从流场计算结果可以看出,进入汇管的气流直接作用在对侧的壁面,大部分气流沿壁面向出口方向流动,小部分气流则在汇管内形成较为紊乱的速度场。参数化的研究结果表明,在Tulsa模型预测中,颗粒速度和流量对汇管冲蚀破坏的影响最大,而粒径影响则很小。 In order to reduce the erosion and damage caused by the solid particles in natural gas, the regulation of erosion on natural gas manifold pipe is studied. According to the law of conservation of mass, conservation of momentum and turbulent k -ε model to establish the incompressible flow model when gas flows through the manifold, and the fluid flow equations in manifold were solved using CFD technology, and coupling of material erosion wear prediction model established by Tulsa University to evaluate the manifold wall erosion regulation. From the calculation results of the flow field, it is found that the flow of the air stream directly forced on the other side of the wall, most of them is in the direction of the outlet flow, while a small part forms an inordinate velocity field in the manifold. The results of parametric studies show that the particle velocity and flow rate in the Tulsa model prediction has the maximum impact on the erosion rate of the manifold, while the particle size impact is very small.
作者 夏征盛
出处 《油气田地面工程》 2016年第1期16-19,共4页 Oil-Gas Field Surface Engineering
基金 温州市科技计划项目(2012G0088)
关键词 天然气 汇管 CFD 冲蚀磨损 控制方程 natural gas manifold pipe CFD erosion wear control equation
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