
长江航道要素感知设备布设 被引量:2

Layout of elements perceptual devices for the Yangtze River waterway
摘要 长江航道要素感知系统是"智能航道"的重要组成部分,科学合理地布设航道要素感知设备,对船舶安全航行、航道资源有效利用有着非常重要的作用。在分析长江航道特征的基础上,探讨了通航环境对航道要素感知设备布设技术的影响。利用层次分析法,完成了布设评判数学模型。总结归纳了长江航道要素感知设备布设选址规则,可为更加高效地使用航道要素感知设备、提升航道利用率提供指导性建议,从而优化航道要素感知设备的布设方案,提高航道通过能力。 The Yangtze River waterway elements perceptual system is an important part o~ lnteulgerlt waterway. The scientific and reasonable layout of waterway elements perceptual devices is of great importance for safe navigation and effective utilization of waterway resources. Based on the analysis of the Yangtze River waterway's characteristics, this paper analyzes the influence factors of the layout of waterway elements perceptual devices. The layout evaluation model is built with Analytic Hierarchy Process, and the Yangtze River waterway elements perceptual devices layout regulations are conducted. The Yangtze River waterway elements perceptual devices layout technology would provide guidance for more efficient utilization of waterway elements perceptual devices and waterway utilization, thus the Yangtze River waterway elements perceptual devices layout plan could be optimized and waterway navigation capacity could be improved.
作者 何乐
机构地区 长江航道局
出处 《水运工程》 北大核心 2016年第1期48-51,57,共5页 Port & Waterway Engineering
基金 交通运输部信息化技术研究项目(2013364548200) 湖北省自然科学基金创新群体项目(2013CFA007)
关键词 长江航道 航道要素感知 布设技术 Yangtze River waterway waterway elements perceptual layout technology
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