
元明清时期中缅关系与中国西南开放的历史经验与教训 被引量:6

Sino-Burmese relations in the Yuan,the Ming and the Qing dynasties and the historical experience and lessons obtained from southwest China's opening-up to the outside world
摘要 古代中缅关系与中国西南对外开放经历了两千多年的历史发展,具有相当复杂的特点,仅仅从"友好关系"角度和作短时段的考察,难以反映出其历史变迁、复杂性及成败得失。本文以元代以来的中缅关系为重点,对这一问题作一个宏观的考察,这是因为从中国元代起,中缅关系的发展及其对中国西南对外开放的影响真正具有全面性和比较强的连续性。元代建立云南行省、建设驿站制度并在今缅甸北部地区设立土司后,从地域、制度、交通三个方面奠定此后中国对缅关系更为密切和更大规模发展的基础。明代前期在今缅甸大部分地区委任了多个土司,形成朝贡关系网,有利于更大范围内的开放和经济社会发展,但由于不谙缅情,中后期应对缅甸东吁王朝崛起后的北侵乏力,转向被动,趋于退守,导致西南边境对外开放一线后退、内撤。清代对缅关系和在西南方向的对外开放并没有取得具有超越元明两代的新的进展。前期对缅关系持消极保守的政策,打击滇缅边境地区的民间经营的矿业开发,中期乾隆年间的缅清战争(1766~1770)后双方也只是恢复了朝贡关系,滇缅贸易得以稳定发展,清末逐渐形成了近代意义上的对外开放,但深受英国殖民侵略的影响和制约。本文文末从6个方面总结古代中国对缅关系与西南对外开放的成败得失。 The Sino-Burmese relations in ancient times and southwest China's opening-up to the out- side world had a complicated history of over two thousand years, whose study from the perspective of friendly relations or on the basis of short-term investigations could not reveal its truth and rich implications. From a macro-perspective, this paper focuses on the Sino-Burmese relations since the Yuan dynasty because it was from the Yuan dynasty that the Sino-Burmese relations began to have strong and comprehensive influence on southwest ChinKs opening-up to the outside world. The Yuan dynasty established Yunnan administrative province, the courier stations and the system of Tusi officials in the north of present-day Myanmar, which laid a solid foundation for a closer Sino-Burmese relation in the geographical, institutional and transport aspects. In the early period of the Yuan dynasty, the Central Government appointed quite a few Tusi officials in present-day Myanmar who would pay tribute to the Imperial Court and promoted the socio-economic development and the opening-up to the outside world. However, due to its poor knowledge of the actual situations in Burma, the Yuan dynasty in its mid-period and later period was unable to fight against the rising Toungoo dynasty that launched a northern invasion, which resulted in the setbacks of southwest China's opening-up to the outside world. The Qing dynasty did nothing better that the two previous dynasties in terms of its opening-up to the outside world. The Qing dynasty in its early period carried out a conservative policy and banned the private mines in Sino-Burmese borderlands. The Qing dynasty in its mid-period had a war(1766~1770) with the Toungoo dynasty and when the war was over, the Toungoo dynasty resumed its paying tribute to the Qing dynasty and maintained a stable border trade. The Qing dynasty in its later period began to seriously carry out its opening-up policy, but it was under the restraint of the British colonialist invasion. The paper finally sums up from six aspects the Sino-Burmese relations in the Yuan, the Ming and the Qing dynasties and the historical experience and lessons obtained from southwest China's opening-up to the outside world.
作者 贺圣达
出处 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期1-14,共14页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"东方文化史"(11&ZD082)课题成果
关键词 中缅关系 西南对外开放 经验教训 Sino-Burmese relations southwest China's opening-up to the outside world experience and lessons
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