Objective To explore the clinical manifestations and ictal EEG fea- tures of infantile spasms monitoring video recording. Methods Video EEG and clinical data of 50 infants with first-diagnosis of infantile spasms were retrospec- Intra- and post-partum brain injury were one of the main causes resulting in in-fantile spasms; 28 infants were flexing type sei- zure, 10 extended, and 12 mixed; ictal EEG mani-festations were high sharp-slow and spike-slow complex wave, intermittent EEG manifestations were char- acterized by typical high rhythm. Conclusion EEGs of most infantile spasms show hypsarrhythmia fea- tures, hut hypsarrhythmia doesn't emerge necessarily.
Journal of Clinical Psychosomatic Diseases