
自我建构对跨期选择的影响研究:时间拟人化的视角 被引量:1

Self- construction Effects on Lnter- temporal Choice from Perspective of Time Personification
摘要 通常人们易对时间拟人化,知觉时间为一个类似于人类的实体。以此为视角,考察个体知觉时间为人类实体时,自我建构水平对跨期选择的影响。通过两个研究,研究1采用问卷调查的方式,考察人们对时间拟人化时,自我建构水平对跨期选择的影响,研究2采用实验方式,启动被试的自我建构水平和时间拟人化。两个研究的结果发现,高时间拟人化的依存型个体感知到的时间风险高于低时间拟人化的依存型个体,选择即刻选项的意愿更强烈,而独立型个体,是否对时间进行拟人化并不会影响跨期选择。 Time is usually personified and perceived as a human -like entity. Based on this perspective, the effects of self - construction on inter - temporal choice are investigated when an individual perceives time as a human entity. Study One is a questionnaire survey aimed at studying the effects of self - construction level on inter - tempo ral choice when time is personified while Study Two is an experimental study aimed at starting subjects self- con struction level and time personification. The results of the two studies show that interdependent individuals with high time personification perceive higher time risk than those with low time personification, and they also have a stronger desire to make immediate options, and that in terms of independent individuals, time personification exerts no effects on intertemporal choice.
出处 《山东财经大学学报》 2016年第1期99-108,共10页 Journal of Shandong University of Finance and Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"产品属性和消费行为变动性对顾客动态满意的影响机制研究--享乐适应的视角"(71272124) 教育部人文社科青年基金项目"中国员工为何偏好支持性建言:上下级关系及其差异 员工建言与职业成长"(15YJC630078)
关键词 自我建构 时间拟人化 跨期选择 self - construction time personification inter - temporal choice
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