
水氮耦合对滴灌复播油葵生长及产量的影响 被引量:8

Effects of water-nitrogen coupling on the growth and yield of oil sunflower in a drip-irrigated multiple cropping system
摘要 为了解水氮耦合对新疆北部石河子地区滴灌复播油葵生长和产量的影响,以大田试验为基础,结合室内试验,以当地油葵主栽早熟品种"新葵杂五号"为供试材料,在滴灌条件下进行水氮两因素三水平完全处理小区试验。结果表明:在灌水3 000 m3·hm^(^(-2))、纯施氮232 kg·hm^(^(-2))水氮组合下,滴灌复播油葵的叶面积最大,株高在营养生长阶段最高,盘径、茎粗及干物质量均最大;结实率水平、单盘粒重、千粒重和产量均最高,分别为96.97%、112.96g、73.89 g和3 597 kg·hm^(^(-2))。以滴灌复播油葵产量为追求目标,综合考虑水氮耦合对其生长的影响,试验所在地区复播油葵建议的适宜灌溉定额及氮肥追施量分别为3 000 m3·hm^(^(-2))、232 kg·hm^(^(-2))。 In this study, both a field experiment and a lab investigation were conducted to examine the effects of water-nitrogen coupling on the growth and yield of oil sunflower in a drip-irrigated multiple cropping system in the Shihezi region of Northern Xinjiang. Xinkuiza No. 5, an early-maturing variety commonly cultivated in the region, was used under drip-irrigated condition in a plot experiment that was completely randomized with two-factor (water and nitrogen) and three-level treatments. The results showed that with the water-nitrogen combination treatment of 3 000 m^3 water per hm^2 and 232 kg nitrogen per hm^2, the maximum leaf area was achieved. The largest plant height was achieved during the vegetative growth stage. The largest head diameter and stem diameter and the highest amount of dry matter were also achieved. The highest seed setting rate, grain weight per head, thousand kernel weight and yield reached 96.97%, 112.96 g, 73.89 g and 3 597 kg·hm^-2, respectively. Based on the effects of water-nitrogen coupling on the growth of drip-irrigated oil sunflower in a multiple cropping system, water and nitrogen fertilizer were recommended to be applied in the amounts of 3 000 m^3· hm^- 2 and 232 kg· hm^- 2 , respectively in the Shihezi region to obtain the highest yield.
出处 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期61-65,共5页 Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAD29B06)
关键词 油葵 滴灌复播 水氮耦合 生长 产量 oil sunflower drip-irrigated multiple cropping water-nitrogen coupling growth yield
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