使用Aspen Batch Distillation模拟软件对环己烷-1,2-二甲酸二异辛酯(DEHCH)和邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOP)分离的减压间歇精馏实验进行模拟,并通过模拟结果与实验结果的对比,确定使用WILS-RK物性方法是合适的。然后使用Aspen Plus对双塔连续减压精馏进行模拟,得出当第一塔的塔板数为65,进料位置为第37块板,回流比为19.51,第二塔的塔板数为29,进料位置为第18块板,回流比为0.7987时,产品的DOP含量小于20 mg/kg。这对DEHCH生产的工艺设计具有一定的指导作用。
It used Aspen Batch Distillation software to simulate the vacuum batch distillation experiment of DEHCH and DOP. And through the comparision of simulation results and experiment results,it determined the WILS- RK property method as the simulation method. Then it simulated the twin- column vacuum distillation system with Aspen Plus software.It concluded that when the stage numbers of the first tower is 65,feed stage is 37 and reflux ratio is 19. 51,the stage numbers of the second column is 29,feed stage is 18 and reflux ratio is 0. 7987,the DOP content of the product is less than 20 mg / kg. Which has a guiding role to the industrial design of DEHCH production.
Shandong Chemical Industry