
引发重大交通事故的显著因素特点分析及安全对策 被引量:7

Characteristics of Significant Factors in Severe Traffic Accidents and Countermeasures for Safety
摘要 目的重大交通事故在我国每年频繁发生,一次性带来较多人员伤亡的严重后果。为了对重大恶性事故进行针对性研究并改善汽车安全状况,对其显著的影响因素进行了深入分析。方法应用2009—2013年发生的124例一次死亡10人以上交通事故数据对此类事故的主要因素特点进行统计分析,提取事故包含的典型人、车、路、环境变量及其与事故严重度之间的关联信息,进行描述性统计,其中,坠车类型的比例和致死率较高,对其进行了专门的分析。结果事故发生的第一事件主要为车辆驶离道路,而恶劣的地理因素和风险的驾驶员因素是影响此类事故发生的基本特点。结论相对于晴天、平直道路、低等级公路,雨天、弯道、下坡路段、高等级公路发生重大交通事故的可能性更大。针对上述结果和因素讨论了安全相关的应对措施,为事故预防及伤害减轻提供参考。 Objective Severe traffic accidents in China occur frequently every year, which usually causes heavy casualties. In order to reduce the severe accidents and improve the relevant automotive safety status, this paper analyzed the prominent influence factors in those accidents. Method Data of 124 severe cases (with over 10 fatalities each accident) in China from 2009 to 2013 was collected, and the characteristics of main factors were analyzed statistically. The variables of human, vehicle, road, environment and the related information of crash severity were selected for the descriptive statistics. Meanwhile, due to the high proportion and mortality, vehicle fall accidents were analyzed individually. Result The first event causing accidents was vehicle driving away from the road. The adverse geographical factors and risky driving factors were the basic characteristics which leaded to the occurrence of accidents. Conclusion Factors such as rainy day, curve/downhill road and high grade highway increased the likelihood of a serious crash. Moreover, related safety countermeasures and some insights for crash prevention and injury reduction were provided.
出处 《中国司法鉴定》 2015年第5期34-40,共7页 Chinese Journal of Forensic Sciences
基金 汽车零部件先进制造技术教育部重点实验室开放课题(KLMT201306)
关键词 重大交通事故 坠车事故 事故严重度 事故统计分析 安全对策 severe traffic accident vehicle fall crash crash severity crash statistics and analysis safety countermeasures
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