为了解内共生菌Wolbachia对土耳其斯坦叶螨(Tetranychus turkestani)的生殖调控作用和对适合度的影响,本研究通过人工培养得到完全感染Wolbachia的品系和完全不感染的品系,从2个品系中挑取不同感染类型的雌雄螨,设立感染Wolbachia(♀)、感染Wolbachia(♂),感染Wolbachia(♀)×不感染Wolbachia(♂)、不感染Wolbachia(♀)×感染Wolbachia(♂)、不感染Wolbachia(♀)×不感染Wolbachia(♂)4种组合单独进行杂交试验,通过比较各组合杂交后代情况以及感染Wolbachia品系和不感染品系的产卵量、性比、寿命以及发育历期,研究内共生菌Wolbachia对寄主土耳其斯坦叶螨的影响。结果显示:不感染Wolbachia的雌螨(♀)与感染雄螨(♂)交配后会产生胞质不亲和(CI)现象,表现为产生的F1代雌螨数比其它3种组合明显减少,孵化率、成活率和F1雌雄性比明显下降,而亲本雌螨产卵量无明显变化,其它3种组合各参数之间无明显差异;Wolbachia可诱导CI现象,缩短雌螨的寿命,同时又缩短了雌雄螨发育历期,Wolbachia对寄主适合度的影响既有利又有弊。本试验结果为深入研究Wolbachia的感染机制和生殖调控作用提供了重要的理论基础。
To study effects of reproductive manipulation and host fitness of endosymbiont Wolbachia on Tetranychus turkestani in lab,we obtained completely infected spider mites by selection and completely uninfected line by treating with antibiotics.The infected and uninfected mites were crossed in the following four cross combinations: Wolbachia infected (2)x Wolbachia infected ( ♂ ),Wolbachia infected ( ♀ ) x uninfected ( ♂ ),uninfected (♀ ) x Wolbachia infected (♂ ),uninfected(♀ ) x uninfected(♂ ). Parameters like hatching rate of the offspring were compared to determine the reproductive effects.Fecundity,sex ratio,life span and developmental durations of the infected and the uninfected lines were compared each other to investigate the effects of Wolbachia on Tetranyehus turkestani fitness.The results showed that,when the infected males were crossed with the uninfected females,cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) was produced,resulting in a reduction in the numbers of eggs and F1 females and a decrease in sex ratio of the F1 generation.Furthermore,through comparing fecundity,sex ratio,life span and developmental duration of the two populations.Meanwhile,by inducing CI,Wolbachia shortened the lifetime of the females,as well as the developmental durations of males and females,and the effect of Wolbachia on the fitness of T.turkestani had both advantange and disadvantage to.This research might provide an important theory basis for further studies on infection mechanisms and reproductive regulation of Wolbachia.
Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science)