

Urban Space and Western Architecture at the British Settlement in Xiamen in Modern History
摘要 1843年厦门开埠后,厦门英租界较早开辟,并先于鼓浪屿公共租界成为当时新的城市商业中心。厦门英租界的建设和发展,打破了以厦门老城区为中心的传统格局,城市由此开始向厦门岛西南滨水地带延伸发展。外人在厦门英租界建造的殖民式建筑,也成为19世纪下半叶西方建筑在厦门早期传播的重要部分之一。 Xiamen city was opened to the West in 1843. Modern architectures first appeared at the British Settlement, where had been developed into the new urban commercial center before the Kulangsu International Settlement. After that the city began to expand to the southwest seaside area, beyond the traditional old city. By the end of the 19th century, as the foreign settlers had built up large amounts of colonial style buildings there, the British Settlement became one of the two important areas in the city where western architectures were mainly located.
作者 李苏豫
出处 《南方建筑》 2015年第6期30-34,共5页 South Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金:基于创新研究观念与创新研究方法的中国近代建筑史研究 项目编号:50838007
关键词 近代厦门 厦门英租界 城市和建筑 Xiamen in modern history Xiamen british settlement urban space and architecture
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  • 2李禧.海后滩反帝斗争之回顾.载中国人民政治协商会议福建省厦门市委员会文史资料研究委员会编.厦门文史资料第一辑[G].厦门:编者,内部发行,1963:15-16.
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