金融是市场经济的中枢神经 ,是资本运营的核心。中国的金融体制源于计划模式 ,资源配置主要靠财政 ,不是银行。在体制转轨中 ,面临着艰巨的改革任务。在金融实务领域 ,存在着五大观念误区 :银行只能国家专办 ;国有银行只能给国有企业贷款 ;贷款必须提供实物硬件抵押 ;不是积极“寻贷” ,而是消极“惜贷” ;只是单纯放贷 ,不是兼顾投资。面向WTO ,中国金融的发展走向是 :重新构筑金融体系 ;鼓励发展民营银行 ;实行国有银行的股份化改造 ,促进金融市场的深化 ;扩大金融市场的开放 。
Finance market is the nerve center to market economy and kernel of capital operation.China's financial system was origenated form plan economy,it allocated financial resource mainly by fiscs but banks.The on going reform of institution has now impose a arduous task on it and five misunderstandings in the process need to be recognized.That is bank only be run by government,state-owned banks only lend money to state-owned enterprises,loans only be allowed with mortgage in kind,be inactrive in extending credit and reluctant in lending.Concentrate on loan alone and exclude investment.Facing WTO,China's financial trend is reconstruction system,developing private banks,transforming state-owned banks into joint-stock companies,deepening and opening up widely financial market to gear with world standers as fast as possible.
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