
H形梁-工形柱弱轴箱形节点域连接节点单调加载试验研究 被引量:31

Experimental research on box strengthened joint connection for weak axis of I-section column-H-shaped beam under monotonic loading
摘要 提出了一种新型的适合于H形梁与工形柱弱轴箱形节点域连接节点的构造形式,该连接属于后Northridge连接方式。试验中共设计梁端标准、梁端加盖板、梁端截面削弱和梁端加腋4种不同的处理方式的足尺边框架节点试件。通过单调加载试验,得到各个试件的破坏模式、塑性铰出现位置及节点域组成板件的应力分布情况。试验现象和试验数据分析结果表明,各试件破坏时,塑性铰均出现在远离连接位置的梁截面上,节点域和工字形柱基本处于弹性工作状态,节点域组成板件的应力均较小,其转角延性系数都大于4,塑性转角都大于0.030 rad,说明H形梁-工形柱弱轴箱形节点域连接节点具有较高的延性和塑性转动能力,完全能够实现"强柱弱梁"、"强节点弱构件"及"强节点域"的抗震设计目标。 A new box strengthened joint region connection for weak axis of I-section column which is suitable for the connection of I-section column and H-shaped beam and belongs to the post-Northridge connections was put forward. To study the mechanical property and failure mechanism of the connection, four types of full scale frame joint specimens of that connection were designed with standard beam end, plate covered beam end, weakened section of beam end and welded haunch, respectively. Through a monotonic loading experiment, the failure mode and the location of plastic hinge of the four specimens as well as the stress distribution of the plate composed of joint regions were obtained. The test and analysis results show that the plastic hinge appears in the beam which is away from the joints, while the joint region and I-section column still remain elastic state when the four specimens fail; the stress of the joint region plates is small; the rotation ductility coefficient of each specimen is greater than 4; the maximum plastic rotation is bigger than 0. 030 rad. The box strengthened joint region connection for weak axis of I-section column has high ductility and strong rotation capacity and can satisfy the seismic design principles of ' strong column and weak beam' , ' strong joint and weak member' and ' strong joint region'.
出处 《建筑结构学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期73-80,共8页 Journal of Building Structures
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51278061)
关键词 钢框架 工形柱 弱轴连接 加强型箱形节点 单调加载试验 steel frame I-section column weak-axis connection box strengthened joint monotonic loading test
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