
大学—产业界科研成果流动模式的演变:从技术转移到知识交换 被引量:7

The Evolution of University-Industry Research Result Movement from Technology Transfer to Knowledge Exchange
摘要 在分析了大学—产业界互动模式的发展、特征及演化趋势的基础上,提出了涵盖多学科、双向、更多实现机制的大学—产业界科研成果流动的知识交换模型。研究了该模型参与者的组织类型,并根据所涉及知识的学科多样性和可编码程度,将大学—产业界知识交换分为基于可编码化知识的交换、问题解决型、开放校园空间型、基于人员流动型以及公私合作伙伴关系型5种组织类型。通过对这5种实现机制的深入分析,提出知识交换模式是技术转移模式进一步发展和深化的结果,是大学—企业界互动发展的必然方向。 Based on the analysis of the development, the characteristics, and the evolution of the university-indus- try interaction (UII), this study proposes the pattern of knowledge exchange, referring to the multi-disciplines, a two-way flow of knowledge, and the more implementation mechanisms. The study examines the organization typology of UII with five patterns of knowledge exchange have been identified according to the diversity of the discipline, as well as the extend of the knowledge codification, they are: the codified knowledge exchange, the problem solving knowledge exchange, the open campus space knowledge exchange, the personnel flow knowledge exchange the public-private partnership cooperation. The paper reports that the pattern of the knowledge exchange is the result of the development of university-industry interaction, and also their inevitable direction of development.
作者 张寒 饶凯
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期62-69,共8页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(2015M5711000)
关键词 技术转移 知识交换 互动模式 学科多样性 可编码知识 technology transfer knowledge exchange interaction model discipline diversity codified knowledge
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