
伦理型领导对员工助人行为的影响:员工幸福感与核心自我评价的作用 被引量:26

The Effect of Ethical Leadership on Helping: The Role of Employee Well-Being and Core Self-Evaluation
摘要 基于资源保存理论,采用问卷调查法,从国内一家金融公司收集了555个数据,探讨伦理型领导对员工助人行为的影响以及员工幸福感和核心自我评价在其中的作用。结果表明:伦理型领导对员工幸福感和员工助人行为都有正向影响;员工幸福感在伦理型领导和员工助人行为间起中介作用;核心自我评价在员工幸福感和员工助人行为间起调节作用,对低水平核心自我评价的员工来说,员工幸福感对员工助人行为的影响更明显。 Based on the theory of COR, the objective of the research is to develop a process model linking ethical leadership to helping with the mediating role of well-being. The moderating effects of core self-evaluation on employee well-being and helping are also explored. 555 samples from a financial company were surveyed. Results showed that ethical leadership had significantly positive effect on well-being and helping. Well-being had significantly positive effect on helping. Well-being mediated the relation between ethical leadership and helping. Furthermore, core self-evaluation moderated the association of well-being with helping.
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期149-160,共12页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71272022 71421061 71121001) 教育部人文社会科学规划项目(11YJA630212)
关键词 伦理型领导 员工幸福感 核心自我评价 员工助人行为 ethical leadership well-being core self-evaluation helping
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