
智力资本的集约化战略:技术领先与开放式创新 被引量:11

Intensive Strategy Based on Intellectual Capital: Leading Technology and Open Innovation
摘要 将智力资本划分为人力资本,结构资本和关系资本3种类型,在对中国电信企业238份有效问卷的基础上开展实证研究并发现:结构资本与技术领先战略正相关,人力资本和关系资本与技术领先战略的正相关效应不显著;人力资本、结构资本和关系资本都与开放式创新战略正相关;技术领先战略和开放式创新战略均正向影响战略绩效和财务绩效;技术领先战略与开放式创新战略对智力资本和企业绩效的中介效应存在。 By dividing intellectual capital into human capital, structural capital and relational capital three types, which based on the data from 238 effective surveys of telecom enterprises, this paper finds that the structural capital is positively related to leading technology strategy, human capital and relational capital aren't positively related to leading technology strategy; human capital, structural capital and relational capital are positively related to the open innovation strategy; leading technology strategy and open innovation strategy have positive influence on strategic performance and financial performance; leading technology strategy and open innovation strategy have the mediation effect on the relationship between intellectual capital and enterprise performance.
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期172-180,共9页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71172069) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(3122015D017)
关键词 智力资本 集约化战略 技术领先 开放式创新 intellectual capital intensive strategy leading technology open innovation
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