
高应变率加载下金属柱壳断裂的实验研究 被引量:14

Experimental Research on Fracture of Metal Case under Loading at High Strain Rate
摘要 针对高应变率加载下金属柱壳复杂动力学响应,采用高速分幅相机和多普勒探测系统阵列联合测试了钛合金柱壳在内置炸药加载下膨胀、断裂直至整体破碎的表面动态图像和局部区域的速度历史剖面。通过对比分析估算了表面裂纹萌生及爆轰产物泄露时刻的工程应变,观察表面断裂模式并获得裂纹萌生扩展与速度剖面的关联;并从回收破片断口形貌确定柱壳整体失效的断裂特征。 A new Dopple detection system (DPS) array and a high-speed framing camera are used to test the surface dynamics and local velocity profiles of the expansion, fracture propagation and rupture of TC4 case initiated by high explosive for the research on complex dynamic response of metal case at high-strain rate. The engineering strain at the moment of surface crack initiation and explosion product leakage is es- timated through comparative analysis, and the surface crack mode and the influence of crack initiation on velocity profiles are observed. Furthermore, The fracture property of metal case is confirmed from the fracture morphologies of recovered fragments.
出处 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期77-82,共6页 Acta Armamentarii
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(11172279)
关键词 爆炸力学 柱壳 剪切断裂 多普勒探测系统阵列 分幅 explosive mechanics metal case shear fracture DPS array framing
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