
安全与隐私:美国网络安全信息共享的立法博弈分析 被引量:9

Security vs. Privacy: Game Analysis of the U. S. Cyber Security Information Sharing Legislation
摘要 美国网络安全信息共享目的、范围、主体和程序的条款规定引发了安全倡导者与私权拥护者关于安全与隐私的激烈争论,其中既有关政府使用共享信息的目的条款保障人类网络空间生存权得以实现,又有共享的网络威胁信息范围条款界定存在瑕疵,共享的政府参与主体条款违反正当法律程序规定,共享前的个人信息移除程序条款违反比例原则的要求;通过建立政府与私营企业的信任机制,增强共享政策、程序、措施实施的透明度,建立激励机制,制定信息共享协议等,能够有效实现网络安全信息共享立法中安全与隐私的博弈均衡。 It is the purpose,scope,subject and procedures of U. S. cybersecurity information sharing provisions that triggered intense debate about security and privacy between safety advocates and private rights advocates,in which the terms of the purpose that government use the shared information is to protect the human right to live in cyberspace,the terms of the scope that shared cybersecurity threat information is unreasonably defined,the terms of the subject that government's participation in information sharing violates the due process,the terms of procedures that remove personal information violates the principle of proportionality. Through the establishment of the trust mechanism between the government and the private sectors,enhancement of transparency on sharing policies,procedures the implemented measures,and adoption of integrated information sharing mode,can effectively achieve game balance between security and privacy in cybersecurity information sharing legislation.
作者 方婷 李欲晓
出处 《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期69-76,共8页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University:Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(15ZDA047) 国家社会科学基金项目(15BFX050) 信息网络安全公安部重点实验室开放课题项目(C13603) 信息网络安全公安部重点实验室开放课题项目(C13604)
关键词 网络安全信息共享 安全 隐私 网络威胁指标 cyber security information sharing security privacy cyber threat indicator
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