
管理层股权激励对R&D与企业创新绩效影响的实证研究——基于制造业上市公司的面板数据 被引量:10

Empirical Research on the Influence of Management Equity Incentive on R&D and Enterprise Innovation Performance——Based on Panel Data of Listed Companies of Manufacturing Industry
摘要 R&D投入是我国转变经济发展方式、实现赶超战略的重要途径,是企业创新发展、增强产业竞争力的关键举措。随着我国企业研发支出数量和比重的持续增加,R&D投入的效率问题成为研究的重要内容。以我国制造业上市公司2009—2014年面板数据为样本,以管理层股权激励作为调节变量,检验了R&D投入对企业创新绩效的影响。结果表明,管理层股权激励属于半调节变量,能够促进管理层从长期发展角度进行R&D决策,提高企业创新绩效。 R&D input is the key point to prompt the economy development quality in China and enhance the industrial competition ability for the enterprises. In recent years, with the continuous increasing of R&D input in China, the R&D input efficiency has be- come the important content of research. Using the panel data of the manufacturing listed companies in China from 2009 to 2014, the ar- ticle takes the management equity incentive as a moderating variable to test the influence between R&D input and the innovation per- formanee of enterprises. It is demonstrated that the management equity incentive is a semi-moderating variable to promote the R&D de- cision-making from the perspective of long-term development of enterprises and promote the enterprise innovation performance.
出处 《科技与经济》 2016年第1期6-10,共5页 Science & Technology and Economy
关键词 股权激励 R&D 创新绩效 实证研究 equity incentive R&D innovation performance empirical research
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