本文阐述了数字化工厂硬件的组织架构和PLM系统软件的组成。在对新产品研发试制的过程中,对各软、硬件在设计、工艺、制造等各个生产环节中的用途进行了阐述。分析CAXA PLM软件系统在数字化工厂平台的构建和应用,这一系统能够有效地提高生产效率,促进产品信息集成并达成协同。对数字化工厂平台的构建提供了先进的软件支持,很好地促进了数字化平台的构建和应用。
This paper describes the chemical composition of digital hardware organization, and PLM system software.In the process of new product development in the trial, for each hardware and software design, engineering, production and other production processes in use are described.Analysis CAXA PLM software systems and applications in building digital factory platform, this system can effectively increase productivity, promote integration and achieve synergistic product information. Digital Factory to build the platform provides advanced software support, good build and promote the application of digital platforms.
Science-Technology Enterprise