
内疚:一种有益的负性情绪 被引量:17

Guilt: A Beneficial Negative Emotion
摘要 内疚是指个体确实伤害或意图伤害他人或违反准则后产生的情绪体验,它作为具有一定的适应性的重要的道德和社会情绪,是心理学近年来的一个重要研究主题。以往研究更多的是关注内疚情绪产生的消极影响,如与神经症、焦虑、抑郁等密切相关。本文从进化心理学角度出发,着眼于内疚作为进化而来的一种有益的负性情绪,促进了道德品格的发展,有益于提升人际关系,可以增加亲社会行为,从而提升人们的社会适应性,有利于实现建设和谐社会的目标。 Guilt is a feeling of responsibility or remorse for one real does or intention to harm,offense others,crime,wrong,or violation rules. As an important moral and social emotion,guilt is an important research topic of psychology in recent years. Previous researches have more focused on the negative impacts of guilt, such as guilt is closely related to neurosis, anxiety, depression, etc. Based on the perspective of evolutionary psychology,this paper focuses on the adaptive of guilt: Promotes the development of moral character, help to improve interpersonal relationship, promotes pro-social behavior,so as to improve the social adaptive of people,and conducive to achieving the goal of building a harmonious society.
出处 《心理研究》 2016年第1期3-8,共6页 Psychological Research
关键词 内疚 进化 道德情绪 亲社会行为 具身化内疚 guilt evolution moral emotion prosocial behavior embodied guilt
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