
舆论支持对集体行动的影响:有中介的调节效应 被引量:5

Opinion Support and Collective Action:A Mediated Moderation Model
摘要 为从情境因素和个人因素交互作用的观点来阐述集体行动产生的社会心理机制,本研究在集体行动双路径模型的基础上提出了有中介的调节模型。研究采用实验法,探讨舆论支持(情境因素)对集体行动的影响,并在此基础上检验一般自我效能感(个人因素)对该心理过程的调节效应以及群体愤怒和群体效能的中介效应。结果表明:(1)舆论支持对集体行动意愿有显著的预测作用;(2)一般自我效能感对舆论支持与集体行动意愿之间的关系具有增强的调节效应;(3)这种调节效应以群体愤怒和群体效能为中介变量。因此,舆论支持与集体行动之间既存在调节效应又存在中介效应。 To explore the social-psychological mechanism of collective action from the person-environment interactive perspective, this study explored a mediated moderation model based on dual pathway model of coping with collective disadvantage. In the experiment, we manipulated opinion support to investigate the impacts of opinion support, self-efficacy, group-based anger and group efficacy on collective action. The results indicated that:(1) Opinion support was a stimulus of collective action;(2) Self-efficacy moderated the effect of opinion support on willing to take part in collective action. For those participants with high self-efficacy, participants in the high opinion support condition reported significantly higher collective action intentions. However, for those participants with low self-efficacy, opinion support was not associated with collective action intentions;(3) Group-based anger and group efficacy mediated this moderation effect.
作者 石晶 崔丽娟
出处 《心理研究》 2016年第1期72-78,共7页 Psychological Research
基金 华东师范大学优秀博士学位论文培育行动基金(py2014005) 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目(11yja190001)
关键词 集体行动 舆论支持 一般自我效能感 群体愤怒 群体效能 collective action opinion support self-efficacy group-based anger group efficacy
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