
语义物联网中基于语义空间的语义协同方法研究 被引量:3

摘要 物联网是由许多的设备互连起来构成的一个巨大网络,如何实现物理世界中物的信息共享和协同工作是实现物联网的根本所在。与此同时,借助语义网的基石-本体,能够表达物的信息的概念及其概念间的关系,因此,将语义网与物联网结合起来形成的语义物联网是实现物联网的有效手段。针对语义物联网中的语义协同方法,提出将网络物理社会和智慧物联网相结合,以机器空间、物理空间、社会空间和精神空间结合而形成的语义空间为目标,结合语义网中的本体和推理技术,通过语义匹配建立语义物联网的协同服务框架。实验结果表明,通过语义匹配、服务过滤和服务评分的语义协同过程,能够为用户提供满足其偏好的最优服务。 Web of things is a huge network connecting many devices, how to achieve inter-things information sharing and collaborative working in physical world is the essence of the implementation of web of things. At the same time, by virtue of ontology, which is the cornerstone of semantic web, the concepts and the inter-concepts relationships about things can be conveniently expressed, therefore, to integrate the semantic web and the web of things to form semantic web of things is an effective means to implement web of things. For the semantic collaboration method of semantic web of things, we propose to combine the cyber-physical society with the wisdom web of things, by taking the semantic space composed of four sub-spaces of cyberspace, physical space, social space and mental space as target, and combining ontology and ontology reasoning technology in semantic web, to build semantic collaboration service framework of semantic web of things through ontology-based semantic matching. Experimental results show that through the semantic collaborative process, namely, semantic matching, filtering services and service ratings, it is able to provide users with the best services to meet their preferences.
出处 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 2016年第2期1-6,16,共7页 Computer Applications and Software
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61371090 61272171)
关键词 物联网 语义匹配 语义协同 语义物联网 Web of things Semantic matching Semantic collaboration Semantic web of things
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