
清末留学教育人力资本思想的演变 被引量:2

The Evolution of Human Capital Thoughts in the Disputes on Overseas Education of Late Qing Dynasty
摘要 清末留学教育是在近代列强侵略逐步加深,中国一步步沦为半殖民地半封建社会的情况下被动进行的,也是当时先进的中国人探索救国救民道路的重要组成部分。围绕着出国留学而进行的各种议论、纷争,构成了丰富多彩的清末留学教育思想,这主要有容闳的"西学东渐",培养完全"西化"人才的留学教育思想;洋务时期的"中体西用",培养富国强兵军事、民用人才的留学教育思想;维新时期的"变法图强",培养救国救民、挽救民族危亡的留学教育思想;新政时期"奖励游学"、"以日为师",培养新政所急需新式人才的留学教育思想。这些都深深地打上了各个时代的烙印,体现着中国近代向西方学习的思潮从简单的器物、技术到后来的制度、政策进而过渡到更深刻的思想、观念的转变,体现着人们对西学认知和接受程度地加深。这期间,培养适应当时世界发展趋势的、具有新技术、新知识、新观念的人才一直是清末留学教育的主题。 With the deepening of Western invasion in modern history, China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society step by step. In such a social background, overseas education was promoted in Late Qing Dynasty and constituted an important part of the ex- ploration of ways to save the nation and its people by some advanced Chinese people at that time. Various discussions on studying abroad generated abundant educational thoughts in late Qing Dynasty, including such thoughts as "the Eastward dissemination of Western learning" proposed by Rong Hong that aimed to cultivate the completely "Westernized" talents, "Westernized Chinese style" advocated during the Westernization Movement that aimed to cultivate personnel that could make the country both rich and militarily powerful, "Becoming stronger through political reforms" proposed in Reform Movement that attemp- ted to cultivate the thought of saving the country and its people as well as rescuing the na- tion from deep crisis, and the thoughts of "awarding those studying abroad" and "taking Japan as the teacher" in the New Deal period that were committed to cultivating new talents urgently needed by the New Deal. All these thoughts demonstrate the distinct characteristics of different times, witnessing the changing tendency in modern China's learning from the West that started with the direct learning of machinery manufacturing and technology, then shifted to the learning of Western institutions and policies, and lastly changed to the learn- ing of profound Western ideas and conceptions. This tendency reflected a deeper understand- ing and acceptance of Western learning. Training talents who could adapt to the new world situations and could be equipped with new technology, new knowledge and new ideas had always been the theme of overseas education discussions in the late Qing dynasty.
作者 朱孔京
出处 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期125-129,共5页 Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
关键词 留学教育思想 西学东渐 中体西用 thoughts on overseas education the Eastward dissemination of Western learn- ing Westernized Chinese style
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