
DEMETER卫星记录到的电离层加热现象 被引量:3

Phenomena Excited by Ionospheric Heating Observed on DEMETER Satellite
摘要 在法国DEMETER卫星运行期间,地基电离层加热装置SURA和HAARP开展了一系列加热试验,记录到各类电离层异常信息,发现电离层加热过程中卫星观测的电离层扰动信号包括HF发射泵波及边带泵波、VLF人工源增强及频谱拓展、ULF/ELF/VLF调制波、ELF电磁扰动、ULF谐振波、等离子体特征参量扰动及高能粒子沉降等.由于传播及耦合机制的差异,发射泵波可以穿透电离层直达卫星高度,其观测概率最高达到68%以上,其他扰动受发射调制模式及当地电磁环境等影响,观测概率相对较低,均在40%左右,有些甚至是某次试验中出现的个别事例.结合中国地震电磁监测试验卫星飞行轨道设计及载荷配置等,对未来开展加热试验进行了分析论证,并参考DEMETER,卫星试验结果给出了一些建议. The phenomena of ionospheric perturbations during the experiments between SURA and HAARP heating facilities with DEMETER satellite have been summarized, and the main disturbed electromagnetic signals have been found, including the radiated HF pump wave and sideband pump wave, enhanced VLF transmitter signals and extended frequency band, modulated ULF/ELF/VLF wave, ELF electromagnetic emissions, ULF resonant wave, perturbations in plasma parameters and precipitation of high energy particles. Then the occurrence frequency of each kind of phenomenon is studied, in which the radiated pump waves were with high occurrence probability of larger than 68%, while other disturbances detected by satellite were with low probability of smaller than 40%, and some even occurred occasionally under specific condition, owing to the effects of local ionosphere background and modulated mode, etc. Finally, combined with the orbit design and payload instal- lation on China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES), some suggestions have been provided on future experiments between ionospheric heating facility with CSES on the basis of the statistical results, in order to avoid the problems and improve the successful experimental probability as much as possible.
出处 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期25-39,共15页 Chinese Journal of Space Science
基金 科技部国际科技合作项目资助(2014DFR21280,2012DFR20440K04)
关键词 DEMETER卫星 SURA HAARP 等离子体参量 电磁波 DEMETER satellite, SURA, HAARP, Plasma parameter, Electromagnetic wave
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