

Two Views on How to Study History of International Relations
摘要 研究国际关系史,要注意两点:一是必须以史料为基础。官府文书与私家记载应当并重兼采,综合利用。二是要注意政治、经济、意识形态等多种因素所起的作用,并对它们作综合性的研究。 Conducting research of the history of international relations, two aspects must be paid attention to. Firstly, the study must be based on historical data. Government papers and private records should be synthesized. Secondly, We should note the political, economical, cultural roles and make a comprehensive research on them.
作者 齐世荣
出处 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期3-7,共5页 History Teaching
关键词 国际关系史 史料 史学方法 History of International Relations, Historical Method, History Method
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  • 1约翰·惠勒-贝内特.《慕尼黑--悲剧的序幕》,北京:北京出版社,1978年,第328~329页.
  • 2l阿贝农.《和平大使:阿贝农勋爵日记》(第2卷),伦敦:1929~1930年,第238~239页.
  • 3阿呱农.《和平大使:阿贝农勋爵日记》(第3卷),第184页.
  • 4罗伯特·塞尔夫编.《尼维尔·张伯伦日记书信》(第四卷),艾德尔绍特:2005年,第287页.
  • 5《杜鲁门回忆录》(第一卷),北京:三联书店,1974年,第352~353页.
  • 6丘吉尔.《第二次世界大战回忆录》(第二卷上部、第二卷下部),北京:商务印书馆,1975年.
  • 7帕克.《张伯伦与绥靖:英国政策与第二次世界大战的来临》,伦敦:1993年,第95页.
  • 8习近平.《弘扬和平共处五项原则——建立合作共赢美好世界》,2014年6月28日.
  • 9《列宁全集》(第二卷),北京:人民出版社,1995年,第515页.
  • 10约翰·E,德赖福特.《伊冯·德尔博斯在外交部》,堪萨斯:1944年,第35页.


  • 1张小明.美国外交史研究的新趋势[J].国际政治研究,1993,14(2):106-108. 被引量:2
  • 2Charles Maier, " Making the Time: The Historiography of International Relations," in Michael Kammen (ed.), The Past Before U. S. : Contemporary Historical Writing in the United States, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1980, p. 355.
  • 3Mark Bradley, "The Charlie Maier Scare and the Historiography of American Foreign Relations, 1959 - 1980", in Frank Costigliola and Michael Hogan (eds.), America in the World: The Historiography of American Foreign Relations since 1945, rev. ed. , New York: Cam- bridge University Press, 2014, p. 9.
  • 4Thomas Zeiler, "The Diplomatic History Bandwagon : A State of the Field," The Journal of American History, Vol. 95, Issue 4 ( March 2009) : 1053 - 1073.
  • 5Erez Manela, "The United States in the World," Eric Foner and Lisa McGirr ( eds. ), American History Now, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2011, pp. 201 -220.
  • 6Thomas Zeiler, "The Diplomatic History Bandwagon: A State of the Field," The Journal of American History, Vol. 95, Issue 4 (March2009): 1053, 1055, 1072.
  • 7Erez Manela, "The United States in the World," pp. 201, 203.
  • 8George F. Kennan, American Diplomacy, 1900 - 1950, Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1951.
  • 9Waiter LaFeber, "U. S. Diplomatic History, 1750 - 1945," in Eric Foner ( ed. ), The New American History ( Critical Perspectives on the Past) (revised and expanded ed. ) , Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1997, pp. 375 -94.
  • 10William Williams, The Tragedy of Ameri- can Diplomacy, Cleveland: World Publishing Company, 1959.









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