Imports and Exports of complete vehicles, Apr-Jun,1999
Imports and Exports of complete vehicles, Apr-Jun,1999
1Production and Sales of Engines Apr-Jun,1999[J].中国汽车(英文版),1999(4):12-12.
2Auto Production and Sales of Major Manufacturers Apr-Jun, 1999[J].中国汽车(英文版),1999(4):11-12.
3Auto Production and Sales by Type Apr-Jun,1999[J].中国汽车(英文版),1999(4):10-10.
4Imports and exports of parts & components, Jan-Jun, 1999[J].中国汽车(英文版),1999(5):16-16.
5Imports and exports of complete vehicles,Jan-Mar,1999[J].中国汽车(英文版),1999(3):20-21.
6Production and Sales of 8 Major Manufacturers(Jan. to Jun. , 1995)[J].中国汽车(英文版),1995(4):24-24.
7Production and Sales(Jan. to Jun., 1997)[J].中国汽车(英文版),1997(4):21-21.
8Auto Production and Sales of Major Manufacturers by TypeApr-Jun, 1999[J].中国汽车(英文版),1999(4):13-15.
9王戈.蓝色闪电 2014泛珠春季赛赛车精选之四月工作室尚酷[J].汽车与社会,2014,0(13):64-65.
10Production and Sales of 7 Major Manufacturers(Jan. to Jun., 1997)[J].中国汽车(英文版),1997(4):21-21.