5Career Cluster Institute. A Brief History of Career Clusters: Supporting a New Vision for CTE. [EB/OL].http:// www.careerclusters.org/index.cfm. 2006-7-2.
6Career Cluster Institute. Free Career Cluster Sample Plans of Study [EB/OL].http://www.careerclusters.org/plans. htm, 2006-6-21.
7The National Association of State Directors for Career Technical Education Consortium.Career Cluster Implementation Across the Nation [EB/OL].http://www. careertech.org/uploaded files/Clusters_State_Update.pdf. 2006-6-15.
8The National Association of State Directors for Career Technical Education Consortium. Career Clusters Initiative Mission, Goals, Criteria. [R]. Washington, DC, April 2005.
9The National Association of State Directors for Career Technical Education Consortium.Through Diversity Comes Strength: A State Profile Survey Synthesis of CTE [R]. Washington, DC, January 2006.
10U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Career Clusters: A Plan of Education for a Global Economy [EB/OL] http://www.careertech.org/ uploaded files/Career_Cluster_Research_Brief _final.pdf. 2006-7-20.