
新疆于田县8~10岁小学生尿碘监测分析 被引量:2

Analysis of urine iodine monitoring survey results of 8-10 years old pupils in Yutian County of Xinjiang
摘要 目的通过对8~10岁小学生尿碘含量进行分析,掌握新疆于田县儿童碘营养水平及分布状况,为制定碘缺乏病防治对策提供依据。方法在于田县4个乡采取随机抽样的方法对8~10岁的儿童进行尿碘检测。结果本次调查共检测208份尿样,尿碘中位数为89.28μg/L;尿碘〈20μg/L的占7.21%;尿碘20~50μg/L占20.67%;尿碘50~100μg/L占28.37%;尿碘100~300μg/L占42.7%;尿碘〉300μg/L的占0.96%。不同性别儿童尿碘水平差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论于田县小学生碘营养水平未达到国家消除碘缺乏病的标准,应加强的碘营养监测,进一步巩固碘缺乏病防治成果。 Objective To understand the iodine nutrition levels and the distribution in the children, so as to provide the evidence for formulating the iodine deficiency disease prevention strategy. Methods A total of 208 children aged 8-10 years were sampled by using the random sampling method, and their urine samples were collected and the urine iodine contents were tested in 4 districts of Yutian County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Results The median uri-nary iodine level was 89.28μg/L. The constituent ratio of urinary iodine 〈20μg/L was 7.21%; the ratio of urinary iodine in the range of 20-50μg/L was 20.67%; the ratio of urinary iodine in the range of 50-100μg/L was 28.37%; the ratio of urinary iodine in the range of 100-300μg/L was 42.7%; the ratio of urinary iodine〉300μg/L was 0.96%. There was no significant difference between different genders in the urinary iodine levels( P〉0.05). Conclusion The iodine nutrition levels of 8-10 years old pupils in Yutian County have not reached the national standard of eliminating IDD. Therefore, we should strengthen the iodine nutrition status surveillance to school aged children, and formulating the iodine deficiency disease prevention strategy and implement effective interventions.
出处 《中国校医》 2016年第1期41-42,共2页 Chinese Journal of School Doctor
基金 中央转移支付地方病防治项目
关键词 儿童 学生 碘/尿 Child Students Iodine/urine
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