以微软公司Share Point应用软件为开发平台,研究开发了有机化学网上考试系统。系统题库涵盖了有机化学的基本知识点,题型分类齐全,使用者还可以根据各自不同的需求,对题库进行添加和修改。可直接网上答题考试,即时可见考试结果。不仅可满足学生自主性学习的考试需求,同时也方便教师对学生自主性学习的管理和监督。
Based on Microsoft SharePoint application development platform, we developed the online-examination system for organic chemistry. Questions, covering the basic knowledge of organic chemistry, are given in a variety of forms. Users are allowed to modify the question bank according to their needs, and online testing is also available. This system can not only meet the students' needs of independent learning but also is convenient for teachers to manage and supervise students' learning conditions.
University Chemistry