目的:基于冷热板示差法研究生炒决明子寒热药性的差异。方法:采用冷热板示差法,研究生炒决明子对小鼠温度趋向性的干预作用,测定ATPase、T-AOC、SOD能量代谢指标。结果:生决明子和炒决明子各为10倍人体给药剂量。与空白组比较,生决明子能显著提高小鼠在高温区的总停留时间比例(remaining rate,RR)(P<0.05),而在低温区的总停留时间比例有所减弱;炒决明子能提高小鼠在低温区总停留时间比例,而在高温区的总停留时间比例有所减弱;生决明子组使小鼠肝组织的Na+-K+-ATPase及Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase活性显著性减弱(P<0.05);炒决明子组使小鼠的Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase显著增强。结论:从动物行为学角度验证了生炒决明子寒热药性差异的客观存在,结果与传统中医药理论对其寒热赋性一致,肝组织ATP酶活性的改变可能是其作用机制之一。
Objective: Based on the method of cold and hot plate differential method,to study the properties difference of raw and fried semen cassiae. Methods: Using hot and cold plate differential method,the temperature tendency of intervention effect in mice was studied,determining ATPase,T- AOC and SOD energy metabolism index. Results: Both raw and fried semen cassiae dose was 10 times of the human dose. Compared with the blank group,semen cassiae could significantly increase the proportion of total residence time at high temperature in mice( remaining rate,RR)( P〈0. 05) while the total residence time in low temperature area proportion reduced. Fried semen cassiae could increase the total residence time in low temperature area ratio in mice and the proportion of total residence time in high temperature reduced. Raw semen cassia group's mice liver tissue Na+- K+ATPase and Ca2 +- magnesium2 + ATPase activity significantly decreased( P〈0. 05). Fried semen cassiae made mice's Ca2 +- magnesium2 + ATPase significantly enhance. Conclusion: From the point of view of animal behavior,the raw and fried semen cassiae differences exist objectively and the results are accordable with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and the change of liver tissue atpase activity may be one of its mechanisms.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
semen cassia
cold-heat drug properties
hot and cold plate differential method