大河乌猪是曲靖自主培育于2003年经国家遗传资源委员会审定公布的新品种,十多年来,一直没有人做过其生长肥育猪对蛋白质营养需求的研究。为探索大河乌猪生长肥育猪对蛋白质营养的需求,我们于2015年5—8月开展了不同蛋白质营养水平饲料对大河乌猪的生长肥育试验,试验分A、B、C 3组,30-50 kg、50-120 kg两阶段,每组用"奥斯本"种猪性能精准测定设备1套,肥育大河乌猪10头(试验中A组损失1头后为9头),在能量、钙、磷等其它营养水平基本一致的前提下,A、B、C组30-50 kg阶段分别用16%、14%和12%蛋白质营养水平,50-120 kg阶段分别用14%、12.5%和11%蛋白质营养水平,结果大河乌猪生长肥育猪30-50 kg阶段的最佳蛋白质营养需求水平为14%,50-120 kg阶段的最佳蛋白质营养需求水平为11%,30-120 kg全程肥育的最佳蛋白质营养需求为前期(30-50 kg)12%、后期(50 kg以后)11%。试验初步探索了大河乌猪生长肥育猪的蛋白质营养需求。
A new variety of Dahe Black pig was independently nurtured at Qujing which was authorized by the National Genetic Resources Committee in 2003. Over the past ten-odd years, no one has done the research on protein nutritional needs of the Dahe Black pig in growing and fattening. In order to explore the requirements of protein nutritional of the Dahe Black pig in growing and fattening, we had growth and fattening test with different protein nutrition level feed from May to August, in 2015. The test divided into three groups of A, B, C; 30-50 kg and 50 -120 kg two stages; each group used one equipmen of "Osborn" which measuring the pig performance accurately, attened 10 Dahe Black pig(group A only 9 head after lost one in the test), under the premise of the basic consistency of the nutrition level, respectively used 16%, 14% and 12% protein nutritional levels at 30-50kg stage of group A, B, C; r espectively used 14%, 12.5% and 11% protein nutritional levels at 50 -120 kg stage. As a result, the best protein nutrition demand level of the Dahe Black pig in growing and fattening is14% at 30 -50 kg stage; the best protein nutrition demand level is 11% at 50 -120 kg stage; the best protein nutrition demand level for fattening are 12% in the early stage(30-50 kg)and 11% in the later stage(after 50kg) at 30-120 kg stage.Primary research the protein nutritional needs for Dahe Black pig in growing and fattening period.
Swine Production
Black Dahe pig
protein nutritional