
北京城区老年人中医体质与慢性病的关系研究 被引量:32

Study on the Relationship between Traditional Chinese Medicine Body Constitution and Chronic Diseases in the Older Population in the Downtown Area of Beijing
摘要 目的 :探讨北京市城区老年人慢性病与中医体质类型之间的关系。方法 :采用中医体质量表对3 894名老年人进行中医体质辨识,通过查阅病历资料和体检档案获取老年人的慢性病资料,同时调查其人口社会学特征。结果:该人群的慢性病的患病率58.8%,偏颇体质的检出率71.5%。高血压患者的主要体质类型是气虚质(19.84%)、痰湿质(9.97%)、湿热质(8.86%);高脂血症患者的主要体质类型是痰湿质(13.31%)、湿热质(9.39%);糖尿病患者的主要体质类型是痰湿质(12.54%)、湿热质(10.17%);脂肪肝患者的主要体质类型是痰湿质(11.89%)、湿热质(10.25%);慢性胃炎患者的主要体质类型是阳虚质(16.07%);冠心病和心肌梗死(心梗)患者的主要体质类型是气虚质(33.48%);脑卒中患者的主要体质类型是气虚质(27.63%)、阳虚质(22.37%);骨质疏松患者的主要体质类型是血瘀质(16.38%)、阳虚质(16.03%);肥胖患者的主要体质类型是痰湿质(13.89%);支气管哮喘患者的主要体质类型是痰湿质(12.70%);过敏性疾病患者的主要体质类型是特禀质(13.79%),上述中医体质类型与未患该病的老年人相比,均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。老年人慢性病计数存在体质类型分布间的差异(χ2=183.095,P<0.001)。结论:老年人中医体质类型与慢性病存在一定关联,应结合老年人的体质类型,采取中西医综合保健措施改善老年人的健康水平。 Objective:To evaluate the relationship between traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) body constitution and chronic diseases among the elder population in the downtown area of Beijing. Methods:There were 3 894 older people enrolled in this study and the TCM body constitution score form was applied to determine the type of body constitution. The medical record and health examination record were reviewed to ob- tain the data on the chronic disease,and the social demographics were also investigated. Results:The prevalence of chronic diseases in this population was 58.8% ,the detection rate of unbalanced constitution was 71.5%. The major TCM body constitutions were qi defieiency(19.84%),phlegm dampness(9.97%) and damp heat(8.86%) in patients with hypertension;the major TCM body constitutions in patients with hyperlipidemia were phlegm dampness(13.3i%),damp heat(9.39%);the major TCM body constitutions of patients with diabetes were phlegm dampness(12.54%),damp heat(10.17%);the major TCM body constitutions of fatty liver patients were phlegm dampness(11.89%),damp heat(10.25%);the major TCM body constitutions of chronic gastritis were yang deficiency(16.07%);the major TCM constitution of cardiovascular disease patients was qi deficiency(33.48%) ;the major TCM body constitutions of stroke patients were qi deficiency(27.63%) and yang deficiency(22.37%);the major TCM constitutions of osteoporosis patients were blood stasis(16.38%) and yang deficiency(16.03%);the major TCM constitution of obesity was phlegm dampness (13.89% ) ;the major TCM body constitution of bronchial asthma was phlegm dampness(12.70%);the major TCM body constitutions of allergic diseases were special diathesis type(13.79%). TCM body constitutions among those with chronic diseases were of statistical significance compared with the healthy older people,P〈0.001. The elder people with chronic disease showed Conclusions : Chronic diseases differences in the distribution of TCM in the elder people were related to body constitutions (x2=183.095 ,P〈0.001 ). the types of body constitution. Therefore, health care in combination with TCM and westernmedicine should be applied for the elder peoplebased on the types of body constitution.
出处 《山东中医杂志》 2016年第1期28-30,46,共4页 Shandong Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 教育部新世纪人才计划资助(编号:NCET-13-0694) 北京市科技新星资助(编号:Z131107000413031)
关键词 老年人 中医体质 慢性病 健康保健 older people TCM body constitution chronic disease health care
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