
大型空间环境模拟设备真空容器可靠性优化设计 被引量:7

Reliability Optimization Design of Vacuum Chamber for Extra-Large Space Environmental Simulation Equipment
摘要 为了解决大型空间环境模拟设备真空容器的传统设计方法效率低,且无法进行可靠性分析等问题,将可靠性设计及优化设计方法相结合,给出了真空容器可靠性指数的定义并建立了真空容器可靠性优化数学模型。进而,基于该模型及序列二次规划算法开发了真空容器可靠性优化设计专用软件。最后,通过设计算例及有限元分析验证了数学模型的准确性和优化结果的可行性。与原始设计相比,可靠性优化设计在保证可靠度不低于99.999%的前提下,使结构质量减小了34.2%。 The reliabilityindexofthe vacuum chamber,dedicated to the design optimization of the large and extralarge space environment simulation equipment,was empirically defined on the basis of mechanical engineering principles,mathematically modeled,and theoretically analyzed to provide a total solution for the design problems:including but not limited to the low efficiency and the lack of reliability evaluation.In addition,the specific software was developed based on the newly-formulated model and sequence quadratic programming(SQP) algorithm for the vacuum chamber reliability optimization design.The stress and buckling of the two cylindrical vacuum chambers,designed by the conventional method and with the self-developed software,were simulated in finite element method(FEM).The simulated results show that the novel reliability optimization design outperforms the conventional design because the structural mass was reduced by 34.2%with the reliability no less than 99.999%.
出处 《真空科学与技术学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期38-43,共6页 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology
基金 中国空间技术研究院总装与环境工程部自主研发项目基金(WM-YY-BZ-2012FB020)
关键词 空间环境模拟 真空容器 可靠性 优化设计 Space environment simulation Vacuum chamber Reliability Optimization design
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