管理学创始人彼得·德鲁克对他的评价是"管理学中最权威的人士",美国《商业周刊》称他为"欧洲最有影响的商业思想家之一",他是弗雷德蒙德·马利克(Fredmund Malik)。出生于奥地利的马利克目前是瑞士圣加仑马利克管理中心董事会主席,欧洲管理重镇圣加仑大学的教授,维也纳经济大学的客座教授。同时还是多家大公司董事会、监事会成员,是许多知名公司的战略和管理顾问。
Fredmund Malik is a famous economist focusing on management science. He applies systems theory and cybernetics to analyze and design management systems. He has a different idea about American management theory: 'The American management style only focuses on shareholder interests. This is wrong. Service and products to customers is the real value, not shareholder value, or any other inner value of your company.' He holds that we are in an age of change and complexity. Like a 'black box', you can not analyze or predict it. For any organization, correct management is based on practice; and for this innovative age, you have to practice the right management theory, be effective and competitive.
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